
This is the short story of my first project as a web designer. It's old, and outdated and it was renewed 4 years later. But I like to keep it in my portfolio as a memory, because here is where everything started.

I've started my career as a Web designer in 2006. At that time I was improving my knowledge in the Adobe cs suite, working with photoshop and flash when I realized I was completely involved building the first html+css templates. Then came this opportunity with Snai SpA, a large company in the gaming business, and so I applied for the job. It was a challenge for was my first real web project, it was exciting to understand where I could get pushing my limits.

I've worked give them the end-project in the shortest time possible, and this made me understand that there's no limit that can't be beaten, when the will is strong.

Year: 2008

Job: Web Designer

Old but gold!

my first designer job for a company
